Victor Mote wrote (on November 28, 2004):

> The code in the fop-maint branch is code that has not yet been peeled 
> off into a FOray module. All of it eventually will be. The case of the 
> "app"
> module, which will eventually contain the API that you are looking for 
> is in an especially bad state ATM. I renamed the CLI class "Fop" to 
> FOray and also moved it into the FOray "apps" package (it seemed 
> especially confusing to ask users to start Foray from either a class 
> or package with "fop" in its name). However, all of the other related 
> classes still live on the fop-maint side. So the main class you are 
> looking for is, but if you follow in a debugger, 
> you will quickly be over in org.apache.fop.apps.Starter, and most of 
> the rest of that package will look pretty similar to FOP's maintenance 
> branch. The reason for this state is that I want to make major changes 
> to that outer layer of the API, but it won't get done until I get a 
> bit further along in getting the FOTree peeled off. I hope that helps.
> If you try to use FOray ATM, you may get errors on properties, which 
> is also currently in an ugly state, half using the old scheme and half 
> using the new scheme. I am not aware of any actual errors ATM, but 
> there almost certainly are. My general advice would be to wait until I 
> have it in a beta quality state again, but the other option is just to 
> let me know if a bug is causing you problems.

Hi Jeremias:

I think this is ready for JAFOP now. I didn't want to take the time to
complete this yet, but, for reasons unrelated to this thread, I did, a
couple of weeks ago, complete the FOray Application API work. You should now
be able to follow what is going on there much better. Everything that was in
the fop-maint branch has been moved to a FOray module, so there is no longer
a need to download that branch to do a FOray build. And the jumping around
between FOP and FOray is totally eliminated now.

BTW, this means that FOray is now divided into 12 modules with what are IMO
the correct dependencies between each module. That doesn't mean that
everything is working right yet, just that those who are interested can see
how I think the big picture fits together. The APIs and inner workings of
Font and FOTree are substantially cleaned up as well. AreaTree and Pioneer
Layout still need much work, which is in progress ATM. You'll see ugly
output in spots as I work through them.

The documentation for the FOray API is here:

By way of analogy, FOraySession is the old Driver class, and FOrayDocument
and FOrayTarget were broken out from the old StreamRenderer class.

You'll probably get around to adding FOray to JAFOP before I do, but I'll be
glad to help any way I can. Since I don't use any of these implementations
for embedded applications, I may very well need to add some options that
don't seem obvious to me ATM. And it is always probable that the
documentation needs more work. Your comments and criticisms are most

Victor Mote

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