That's a joke, right (and I'm not referring to your name)? You don't
really expect that you can demand things like that from an open source
project without throwing in some resources yourself, do you?

On 17.03.2005 15:55:23 Bill Gates wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a couple of comments to the FOP product.
> The background is that, in our next coming product we have an extreme tight 
> schedule, and we need a powerful XSL-FO converter that fulfills the 
> following requirements:
> - Small memory footprint
> - Efficient usage of the CPU
> - Conforms to XSLFO 1.0 standard
> - Fast
> We have been evaluating different kind of XSL:FO processors, both commercial 
> and non-commercials. The best one so far is the RenderX product (concerning 
> XSLFO 1.0 compatibility), but we think it is too expensive and takes too 
> much resources.
> What we would like from you is a new release, that in conjunction to the FOP 
> release 0.20.5 (which by the way is poor), fulfills the requirements 
> mentioned above. I have been following the mailing-list a while, and I have 
> the feeling that the speed regarding updates are not as fast as we would 
> like to. I hope that you as a FOP developer, after reading this mail, really 
> put some additional blood, sweat and tears into FOP and help us realizing 
> our project within the timeframe we currently have.
> best regards
> Bill
> ps. When can I expect the stable 1.0 release to be available, I suggest at 
> the end of july this year (latest) ds.

Jeremias Maerki

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