
Please always email the person *privately*, asking
them if they want to be on the website, and if so,
what they would like their bio to say (if anything). 
Don't ask on FOP-DEV, nor on FOP-USER, and don't place
their names on the page until you have their
permission.  People tend to feel more honored when you
use a low-key approach.


--- The Web Maestro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (if I added you, please take a look and let me know
> what you want your 
> blurb to say ;-) -- if you want to be removed, my
> apologies and let me 
> know!).
> Please chime in if you have others to add.
> Web Maestro Clay
> -- 
> <>
> My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
> - HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

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