On 16.06.2005 01:53:39 Peter B. West wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Do you, by chance, intend to visit ApacheCon in Stuttgart in July?
> > 
> It's relatively expensive, isn't it?

Yes, that's the catch. Being a speaker it almost costs me nothing. I
disagree with the way this is currently done. They pay me the travel and
two hotel nights which isn't really necessary and only makes the
conference more expensive for everyone else. When I went to Seybold
conference in Amsterdam as a speaker last year, I only got free
admission and lunch which should be enough.

>  I don't know what I will be doing 
> at any particular time.  It depends on what work is available to me.
> > If you come to Switzerland, tell me!
> I certainly will.  There are a few of you in the area whom I will 
> contact when we pass through.

I bet.

Jeremias Maerki

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