Thanks to Finn and Andreas for looking at this. Given what I see here
I'd say the two intern() calls in FOTreeBuilder would better be removed.
The Set the namespaces are stored in works with equals() anyway, so I
don't see the point of interning the Strings. Or do I miss anything here?

On 28.06.2005 01:07:09 Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Andreas L. Delmelle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Finn Bock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > <snip />
> > >
> > > But since == *is* faster then .equals and I think we can assume that
> > > most URIs are in fact from the FO namespace we can get the benefit from
> > > both.
> > >
> > > Measured with jdk1.4.2_02 on winXP:
> > >
> > > Equal string
> > > == 141
> > > .equals 1938
> > > == || .equals 203
> >
> > Now THERE's an alternative I can live with...
> >
> > Everyone happy, including myself :-)
> BTW, have tried with added tests for the case where one of the two strings
> isn't interned --create a new String(), looks stupid, but approaches the
> situation best--, and noticed a *very* poor performance there.
> (measured on OS X 10.2 - Java 1.4.2)
> Equal strings - both interned
> == 252
> .equals 923
> == || .equals 302
> Different strings - both interned
> == 351
> .equals 1306
> == || .equals 1357
> Equal strings - only one interned
> == n/a
> .equals 6143
> == || .equals 6164
> Different strings - only one interned
> == n/a
> .equals 6140
> == || .equals 6168
> A one time intern for the non-interned string before the loop --intern the
> non-interned string when feeding it to the functions--, leads to figures
> like the first case, both for different and equal string values.
> As was to be expected, performing the interning inside the loop is a Very
> Bad idea, but that would never have been mine...
> Cheers,
> Andreas

Jeremias Maerki

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