On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 03:12 pm, Finn Bock wrote:
> >><linearea bpd="11100" space-before="1650" space-after="1650">
> >>   <inlinearea bpd="9250">
> >>     <textarea font-size="10pt">some 10pt text</textarea>
> >>     <inlinearea bpd="11100">
> >>       <textarea font-size="12pt">some 12pt text</textarea>
> >>     </inlinearea>
> >>     <textarea font-size="10pt">more 10pt text</textarea>
> >>   </inlinearea>
> >><linearea>
> >>
> >>All the inline areas also have a line-height trait of 12000 but
> >> that is only used when lls="line-height" [4.6].
> [Manuel]
> > Hmm, the line-height property would be "normal" everywhere which
> > equates to "1.2" that means the trait would be "14400" for areas
> > generated from fo elements with a font-size of "12pt" and "12000"
> > for areas generated from fo elements with a font-size of "10pt".
> > But as you said it doesn't matter really unless lss is
> > "line-height".
> Your are right, my mistake. I believe the line-height trait should be
> 14400 for all the inline areas.

Why do you say that the line-height trait should be the same for all 
areas? In the line-height case the specified value (1.2) is inherited 
not the computed value. Therefore I was assuming that on the areas 
generated from fo elements with font-size="10pt" the line-height trait 
would be 12000.

> >>Does it make sense?
> >
> > Yes it does. Does it also means the bpd doesn't "bubble up" in the
> > case of nested inlines? So if we expand on the example of the
> > nested inline above:
> >
> > <fo:block><fo:inline font-size=10pt">some 10pt text<fo:inline
> > font-size="14pt">some 14 pt text</fo:inline>more 10pt
> > text</fo:inline></fo:block>
> >
> > Does the line-area generated from that have a bpd corresponding to
> > a 12pt font or 14 pt font (spec [4.5] for lss="max-height":
> > "block-progression-direction is the minimum required to enclose
> > both the nominal-requested-line-rectangle and the
> > allocation-rectangles of all the inline-areas stacked within the
> > line-area")?
> I believe the bpd of the line area will correspond to the 14pt font
> because [4.5] talks about "all the inline-areas".
> So the bpd on inlines does not bubble up the outer inlines, but it
> (and/or depth & altitude) do bubble up to the calculation of
> line-rectangles on the line-area.
> Also, I think that makes sense.

OK, happy to proceed on that basis. For what its worth I did a quick 
test against xep and it seems to behave as you suggested Finn.

> > The nominal-requested-line-rectangle corresponds to a 12pt font.
> > But is the area generated from the nested inline an "inline-area
> > stacked within the line-area" or not?
> Stacked inline-areas must refer to all the desendents, not just the
> immediate children, see [4.6.1].
> regards,
> finn

BTW, thanks for your patience in this exchange Finn. Certainly clarified 
things for me.


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