
I am currently looking at adding the missing background and border/padding support to fo:character and have run into a co-ordinate system issue. In fop text areas and character areas are positioned in the bpd direction using the "offset" attribute which refers to the character baseline position. However, border/padding and backgrounds are positioned everywhere relative to the top left (or should I say before/start) corner of the area rectangle. However, in the renderer based on the area traits (for a text or character area) I cannot easily determine the before edge position of the rectangle based on the baseline offset unless I go to the font and ask for its ascender size etc.. But that is really stuff for the layout system.

I see two options:

a) We can wrap the character area into an inlineParent area and put the background/border/padding for the character on the inlineParent. b) We add another attribute to the generic fop area being the baseline offset called "lead". The meaning of the attributes is then that "offset" refers to the distance between the before edge of the parent area to the before edge of the area to be rendered and "lead" is the distance from the before edge to the baseline for character placement.

Perhaps I misunderstand, but I think it would be better if we defined an
dominant-baseline on the inlines (or even better dominant-baseline-identifier on inline and actual-baseline-table on the fonts) and a baseline-start-point on the linearea. The semantics of these traits are as described in [4.2.6] and [4.5].

Together with bpd, I think that would be enough to find the rest of the different rectangles.

I guess it is the same as your suggestion b), but I would rather stick with the terms used in the spec.


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