On 20.09.2005 17:50:03 Matthew L Daniel wrote:
> > The warning is an indicator that there are still a few things in RTF
> > support that need fixing.
> So is there someone who owns this class? 

No. There are no class owners in Apache projects.

> How long has it been
> out-of-sync - that is, is it in the same condition as TXTRenderer?

The TXTRenderer has not been implemented after the redesign. The RTF
support was added by integrating JFOR. The RTF support works reasonably
well for many use cases but most probably not all. It's still
alpha-grade code like the rest of the redesigned FOP.

> Also, while this is probably not the correct forum for this question,
> what has been the reference tool for checking the RTF output?

The RTF support is mainly for MS Word. I use the MS Word 2003 Viewer.

> OpenOffice.org 2.0 beta won't even correctly render the SimpleTable from
> jfor. Since Word Viewer 2003 does, I'm inclined to think it's an OOo
> bug more than a jfor bug.

OpenOffice is horrible when it comes to RTF. We'd better create a
develop FOEventHandler for the new OpenDocument format if someone wants
to open FOP-generated documents in OpenOffice.

> However, I hope this he-said-she-said
> illustrates my correctness concern for the RTF output.

I don't understand what you mean. Probably a foreign language parse
error on my side. :-)

Jeremias Maerki

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