On Oct 3, 2005, at 21:22, J.Pietschmann wrote:

Umm, emm, "blank" means no area at all on the page body, not even one
with bpd=0. E.g.
 <fo:flow ...>
   <fo:block break-before="page"/>
would create two non-blank pages. Or so I think.

I see and fully agree, but IIRC, one of the ideas was to create a sort of dummy-area (internally, not corresponding to a FO in the document), so that the "last" page-master would always be used, even if the next-to-last page can hold all of the remaining content at a given point. AFAICT, this would *only* be acceptable if the page-master in question doesn't have an explicit "non-blank" constraint.

In any case, you're right about the above example generating two non-blank (yet empty) pages. So, a page-master with explicit "blank" constraint can never be used for either of them.

But now, I'm still wondering about the last question in my earlier post... :-/
If we have:

<fo:conditional-page-master page-position="last"

a) Does this page-master have to be used, period? (= If there are no areas left to fill up the last page, layout needs to backtrack in order to satisfy both conditions.)

b) Does it have to be used only in case both criteria are met at the same time? (= If there are no areas left to fill up an eventual last page, then this page-master is simply never eligible for selection.)

I'm inclined to believe b), but again, not absolutely --or: absolutely not-- certain about this... Make it page-position="last" and odd-or-even="odd": does that mean that we have to make sure that the page-sequence always contains an odd number of pages, or that that page-master is eligible for selection only if the last page turns out to have an odd number?



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