Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If all had gone as planned we would have done the first preview release
> last month. As soon as I'm finished with my space resolution task
> (hopefully this week), I'm going to write all necessary documentation
> for the redesigned FOP and then we're pretty much ready to release.
> Note: alpha/preview release only!

Thanks for the update, and for your all your efforts!

P.S. when I wrote "alternative" I meant "alternative to LaTeX."

> On 12.10.2005 20:16:43 David Abrahams wrote:
>> As FOP is my only hope for a viable open-source alternative path to
>> PDF, I have been eagerly anticipating your next release.  Can anyone
>> give me a sense of how close (or far off) that might be?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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