Hi Jeremias,

Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/18/2005 04:51:00 PM:

> I recently cleaned up the PDF and PS transcoders so they behave much
> more similarly. I may have broken clipping then, although I have done
> quite extensive tests. 

   The problem isn't really with clipping, it's with the 'create'
method of the Graphics interface.  I was pushed to use 'create'
to deal with some clipping issues.

> Unfortunately, I can't quite follow your problem description. Would you
> please post an example or describe how I can reproduce the
> problem? I can then have a look at it. Thanks.

   I suspect that attempting to render any SVG to PDF with
trunk Batik will cause the problem (the root SVG element
almost always has an associated clip - which causes the
use of create).  I was specifically using the test file:

   from the Batik source tree (I was going to work on fixing
PDF Gradients when I noticed the problem).

> On 18.10.2005 19:28:24 thomas.deweese wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> >    I don't know if you want to deal with this here in FOP land or over 
> > Batik land but since the
> > code in question is currently in FOP I thought I would start here. The 

> > PDF transcoder is
> > currently broken.  This appears to be due to a recent change to the 
> > clips are done.
> > Previously a new clip was done something like:
> > 
> >         Shape oldClip = g2d.getClip();  // get clip, in the current 
> > coordinate system
> >         g2d.clip(newAdditiveClip);
> > 
> >         // Draw things, blah blah
> > 
> >         g2d.setClip(oldClip);  // restore clip, in current coordinate 
> > system.
> > 
> > ----
> >         This as it turns out has problems, the basic issue is that the 

> > clip can
> > 'waver' as it is gotten and restored in various coordinate systems 
> > one pixel left or 
> > right).   To avoid  the need to get and restore the clip I started 
> > the 'create' 
> > method of the Graphics.  So the new code looks something like:
> > 
> >         g2d = g2d.create();                  // create new graphics 
> > independent drawing state
> >         g2d.clip(newAdditiveClip);
> > 
> >         // Draw things, blah blah
> > 
> >         g2d.dispose();  // parent node will use 'old' graphics 2D.
> > 
> > ----
> > 
> >         The real code is a bit more complex than this but you get the
> > idea.  The problem is that the PDFGraphics2D doesn't seem to properly
> > implement 'create()'.  I've tried to hack this in but I get garbage 
> > out.
> > 
> >         So what I'm looking for is a basic analysis of how hard this 
> > be to fix, as well as suggestions on how to fix it.  There are some 
> > potential solutions to the wavering clip issue, although I think the 
> > is
> > by far the cleanest (and hence most desirable) of them.
> Jeremias Maerki

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