On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 08:37:31PM +0100, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
>On Jan 4, 2006, at 20:22, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
>>On Jan 4, 2006, at 14:55, gerhard oettl wrote:
>>>as far as i can see this cannot be assurred for table-cell with
>>>the current code at the point this function is called.
>>Hmmm... The columns will always be available

>To expand, a little remark: try '((TableCell) pInfo.getFO 

This was the beginning of my illness some days ago ;-)
It always ends with a NullPointerExection.

The following is much suspection, because i only get slowly familiar
with that powerfull concepts of mapping, events, event-like triggers
and so on (especialy about the order and the exact time when they are 
called)so that i am not quite shure about the followint, but my tests 
confirm my sight:

When running into the FromTableColumnFunction we are at the stage of
collecting properties "long" before the binding [1]. For the order i see 
two possibilities:
a) left to right in the property-string
b) "unorederd" in the sense that the sax engine decides in
   whitch order it delivers the properties
(may be you could clarify, but only if possible in some words - 
otherwise dont matter, the time and the source will bring light ...)

>Now I'm thinking that perhaps the column-number property does need to  
>be bound first in TableCell.bind() for this to work properly...
this does not help because of [1]

>>A call to PropertyList.get(PR_COLUMN_NUMBER) for the table-cell  
>>should take care of resolving the column-number for that cell, if  
>>it wasn't already initialized.

a test with the following fo-fragment arges against it:

  <fo:table-cell display-align="from-table-column()" column-number="3">

reports a column-number of "1", what would make case a) possible/likely.
In other words, at the thime the from-table-column() is evaluated the
PropertyList does not know about the following _explicit_ column-number.
A additional side-effect is that the call makes the wrong column-number
"1" permanent and i get a OverlapExeception when the cell with the
realy explicit column-number "1" arises in the fo-file.

That let me see two ways (in that order):
1) Only handle descendants of table-cell, which is not a great 
   restriction for me, because - as shown in a previos fo-snippet - 
   i primary want to use table-column as info container for properties
   of fo:block elements. At this time the full table-cell (expecialy the
   column-number) is available.
2) Defer all properties that need a call to FromTableColumnFunction to
   be evaluated at the end of the property-collecting / parsing stage.
   This is a little too tricky for me with my current knowledge of the
   code and a source for later improvement.

and yes
3) I hope i am wrong with my pessimistic sight and you could lead me
   out of the misery ;-))


 .''`.   gerhard oettl   on   Debian/Gnu Linux
: :'  :  
`. `'`   gpg key: 1024D/D59131AA 2002-06-18

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