On Feb 15, 2006, at 14:23, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Why did you discard my suggestion about PropertyTokenizer? Is there
something wrong with that? I think it would be a more general solution.

Oh, sorry, it's not really about 'discarding'... It just seemed more 'proper'. Allow me to explain: The way I understand the Properties API, a null is simply never meant to make it into the PropertyParser/ PropertyTokenizer. As a last resort, the whole chain of calls starting at PropertyList.get() should ultimately return the default value if a value cannot be obtained by any other means (inheritance, shorthands and the like). This default value is, I admit, undefined for a few shorthands. Setting their default value to an empty string avoids a null from being handed over to PropertyParser.

Which solution is better? Gosh, I wish Finn were online now to share some insights...



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