
I am really excited about the new developments for FOP, and I have been downloading
and using the latest beta versions as soon as they become available.

After upgrading to 0.92beta, I am getting the following error:
[fop] Apr 23, 2006 7:53:21 PM org.apache.fop.hyphenation.Hyphenator getHyphenationTree
[fop] SEVERE: Couldn't find hyphenation pattern en

I believe the reason is that I need fop-hyph.jar in my path. Unfortunately fop-hyph.jar is not included in the default binary distribution.
Of course I can build fop from source and get fop-hyph.jar that way...

This is a change from 0.91 due to the refactoring to use xmlgraphics commons, right?

But anyway would it be possible for you to include fop-hyph.jar file by default in the next binary release of FOP?
It is needed to process Docbook sources into PDF.  Please advise, thanks!


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