Hi Gennadiy

On 03.05.2006 16:14:41 Gennadiy Tsarenkov wrote:
> Hello Jeremias,
> I'm  not  saying  that this is simple, I'm just saying pre-conditions,
> when  we would be able to continue invest our efforts into integration
> into  FOP.  You  are  absolutely  right,  saying  that there should be
> interest  of  the  public community to such a work. At present, we get
> first  feedback/requests  on  our work after about 5 month of absolute
> silence. This basically means that there is no demand on this feature.
> Either  peoples  are  using other solutions or they are simply want to
> have  additional  feature  in a list which says MathML support without
> any real background for that.
> Moreover,  what  I've  learned so far is that FOP is not trying to get
> publication  ready  PDF's  (what is my case) rather then readable XML.
> Correct me, if I'm wrong.

It's probably more so that people from the business document side are
more likely to invest in FOP than those from the publishing department
do. But the good news is that one of my clients requests some level of
PDF/X support which clearly goes in the direction of publication ready

> The  reasons  for  rare commits is that on our side there is more then
> one  developer  working  on  the  project.  While  we  do not have any
> feedback,  we  do  not  update  public  repository  and just using our
> private  one.  There is another weak reason, why I cannot made release
> on  sourceforge.net.  I  have  only  CVS  commit rights to the JEuclid
> project and cannot make any releases.

Then maybe you should see if you can get admin privileges because you'll
exclude probably more than 80% of the possible users if you don't do
releases. Some people are simply not into getting source code from CVS.
The same applies to FOP, BTW, because the license policy dictates that
we shall not use unreleased JARs in our releases. Which means we're
basically stuck with JEuclid 2.0 for now.

> My perception is that we will continue making half-year commits to the
> sf.net  repository with patched FOP and JEuclid which fully covers our
> needs.

Not a very promising prospect. That's certainly not how you can attract
possible users.

> If somebody would be interested for somebody to integrate into
> FOP thunk, s/he is welcome.

I'll handle that.


Jeremias Maerki

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