On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 08:43 +0200, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> This is good news. I did not study the problems around non-LTR texts so
> I can't say anything useful about this.
> I think it is preferrable to reuse code from the Java class library if
> it covers our requirements (among them: maintain JDK 1.3 compatibility).
> Sadly that means that java.text.Bidi is a little problematic, except if
> we say that Bidi support is only available under JDK 1.4 but that might
> complicate the implementation additionally. If we can reuse code from
> our sister project Batik, that's probably better. Introducing an
> external library will take careful consideration. We have to make sure,
> among other things, that the licensing situation is ok.
> I don't know of anyone currently working on a Bidi impementation. If
> someone does, I expect that person to speak up.
I am. Using Java 1.5 for the basics, and Java 1.6 for kerning and
ligatures. I suppose you were aware of that though.


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