On Wed, Aug 16, 2006 at 10:31:06AM +0200, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Ok, I've taken out my LaTeX book again to be sure I understand you.
> >Vincent,
> >
> >Your proposal to improve the algorithm for the placement of footnotes
> >and before-floats sounds fine. A few comments.
> >
> >'Ideally there would be a configuration setting telling which ratio of
> >the page should be filled with normal content; if this ratio is null
> >then pages only made of out-of-line objects would be allowed.' I think
> >this may be split into several configuration settings:
> >- The minimum amount of normal content on a page.
> OK. This corresponds to the \textfraction parameter, right?


> >- Whether float pages are allowed. Even when the minimum amount is not
> >  zero, the user may set this to true.
> OK. ...mmmh, found no dedicated LaTeX parameter for that.
> \floatpagefraction=0?

No, there is no such parameter in LaTeX. It is always allowed, subject
to the setting of the following parameter.

> >- The minimum amount of float content on a float page before it may be
> >  considered feasible. Only relying on the normal demerits calculation
> >  for the stretch or shrink may be too restrictive.
> Moreover, if the figures are made of images, there is likely to be few
> shrink/stretch.
> This is also the \floatpagefraction parameter? Actually I don't really
> understand this parameter. At least, I don't understand its interest:
> this means that underfull float-only pages are acceptable? This looks
> weird to me.

Indeed, \floatpagefraction. You hardly ever can fill a page with
floats for 100%. With this parameter the user indicates that he is
satisfied with a page of floats which is say filled for 70%. If a work
contains many floats, this may be a nicer solution than having a long
queue of floats which can only be published on a much later page. For
example, you have 8 floats called in consecutive paragraphs, each
taking 35% of a page. If you place text below the floats, more floats
are called. A page of floats filled 70% will solve that problem.

> But as it would be easy to implement, I can do it. Related question:
> would footnotes be allowed on float-only pages, or only before-floats?
> This may be useful for books with many many footnotes. But for other
> books this can look weird. WDYT? Another config parameter?

I guess you can do that. Most people would not consider that to be a
floats page, but a page with text which happens to have only
footnotes. In terms of FO's regions, it is indeed a floats page.

Regards, Simon

Simon Pepping
home page: http://www.leverkruid.eu

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