Hi Andreas,

Andreas L Delmelle a écrit :
> On Mar 30, 2007, at 11:21, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>>> In ancient times, each FO had a full PropertyList, so the properties
>>> could be queried via a generic get(PROPERTY_ID) accessor that was simply
>>> a proxy to the PropertyList's corresponding get(). This was, however, a
>>> much less efficient approach than what we currently have.
>> To be sure I understand: each object had the very same list of
>> properties, with null values for the properties wich were not applicable
>> to it?
> Errm... yes, if what you mean by 'the very same' is 'a different
> instance of the very same type'.

Yes that's what I meant. Am I imprecise sometimes. And I dare
complaining about the Rec's uncertainties ;-)

> Each FObj instance had its very own instance of the same PropertyList type.
>> And the loss of efficiency was due to the indirection caused by
>> the generic get(PROPERTY_ID) I guess?
> The biggest inefficiency was the space that these lists consume. They
> allocate space for an array with a number of elements equal to the
> number of /possible/ properties, effectively wasting space in case of
> FOs to which only a handful properties apply. On top of that, this space
> was not reclaimed until very late in the process, whereas now, the
> PropertyLists and their backing arrays in most cases can be
> garbage-collected right after endElement().
> A FO to which only three properties apply will currently have only three
> instance variables corresponding to those properties. In the old
> architecture, it would have one PropertyList member, containing an array
> that could store some 250 Property instances, but only three elements
> were actually in use...

Not that I want to go back to that situation, but a Map instead of an
array would probably have been acceptable? More memory-efficient without
being much more CPU-intensive I think.

> The inefficiency caused by the indirection I would consider to be a
> small but necessary price to pay for an increased amount of flexibility
> and extensibility.

I fully agree. Good design should not be sacrificed for efficiency.
Anyway only the profiling of a FOP run would give us proper indications
of what is actually eating time and memory, and where we should start

>>> <snip />
>>> Each of the particular FO classes can then define its own
>>> implementation, which stores the applicable properties and maybe, for
>>> some FOs (like FOText!), this implementation can simply search the
>>> ancestors, instead of having to allocate space for properties that are
>>> always identical and can't be specified anyway...
>> Hmmm. My understanding of the whole thing is still a bit vague, but
>> wouldn't that lead to the same code replication as we have now?
>> I'm wondering if it's not possible to define a restricted number of
>> implementations of this interface, each applying to a whole set of
>> similar FOs.
> Good point!
>> Or use object composition: there would be objects dealing
>> with a particular set of properties (say, border/padddin/background),
>> and each FO for which that set applies would be composed of the
>> corresponding object.
>> Perhaps the flyweight pattern could apply here: only one object for each
>> set of properties, initializing the correct fields in the FObj. With
>> some means to automagically wire everything by using marker interfaces
>> or whatever.
> Also fine suggestions. I'm going to chew on these a bit more.
>> As I said my ideas are still all pretty vague... Also, does anyone have
>> knowledge about aspect programming? I've the feeling that could apply
>> quite well here.
> Just been reading up on AOSD, and it does indeed seem to be fitting in
> here.
>>> The downside would be the loss in convenience, for instance, where we
>>> now have individual accessors returning a Length, LengthRange,
>>> Numeric... Not sure how I would address this, yet. :/
>> I'm not sure of what you mean? The same property can be accessed in
>> different ways?
> What I mean is that right now, the bind() method already takes care of
> getting the right type of Property.
> pList.get(PROPERTY_ID).getLengthRange() for instance...
> An accessor getInlineProgressionDimension(), for example, returns a
> LengthRange (not a Property).

Ok, I see your point. Well then the specific implementations I was
talking about earlier could probably handle that. For example almost
every formatting object can have border/padding/background. We would
have a specific class in charge of getting the values of these
properties set on the object (or retrieving inherited values), and
converting them into the right types (e.g., LengthRange). Each
applicable object would be given an instance of such a class at its
creation. When needed it would call the specific methods from this class
(getBorderBefore, etc.). Something like that...


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