On 28.12.2008 02:11:09 The Web Maestro wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:28 AM, Jeremias Maerki <d...@jeremias-maerki.ch> 
> wrote:
> > 3. The IFDocumentHandler/IFPainter pair gets access to a "context"
> > object where it can access to the currently applicable extension
> > attributes. The context object would play adapter for the two different
> > extension sources: Map from the area tree and Attributes from the
> > IFParser. That would avoid any additional processing especially if no
> > extension objects are present. The context object would be set on the
> > IFDocumentHandler at the beginning.
> >
> > 4. is a variant of 3 in which case the foreign object adapter would be
> > available through a ThreadLocal.
> >
> > Personally, I prefer option 3 as it's the easiest to understand. In this
> > case, I'd probably remove set/getUserAgent() in favor of
> > set/getIFContext() and provide access to the user agent through the
> > IFContext to avoid cluttering the IFDocumentHandler interface.
> >
> > Any other opinions or additional ideas? If I hear nothing I'll implement
> > option 3.
> Option 3 sounds the best to me, although I don't fully comprehend the
> ramifications of each choice. But does it make sense to retain the
> current, deprecated set/getUserAgent() for convenience, even if it's
> mapped to the set/getIFContext() method?

It's not necessary to deprecate anything here as the whole new IF is
still work-in-progress. geUserAgent() could be retained for convenience,
though, but as a protected method, i.e. not as part of the interface.

> Happy Christmas from Park City, Utah!

And a happy new year everyone!

Jeremias Maerki

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