
the constructor of the class PageBreakingAlgorithm looks like this:

public PageBreakingAlgorithm(LayoutManager topLevelLM,
                                 PageProvider pageProvider,
                                 int alignment, int alignmentLast,
                                 MinOptMax footnoteSeparatorLength,
                                 boolean partOverflowRecovery, boolean
                                 boolean favorSinglePart) {
        super(alignment, alignmentLast, true, partOverflowRecovery, 0);
        this.topLevelLM = topLevelLM;
        this.pageProvider = pageProvider;
        this.layoutListener = layoutListener;
        best = new BestPageRecords();
        this.footnoteSeparatorLength = (MinOptMax)
        // add some stretch, to avoid a restart for every page
containing footnotes
        if (footnoteSeparatorLength.min == footnoteSeparatorLength.max)
            footnoteSeparatorLength.max += 10000;
        this.autoHeight = autoHeight;
        this.favorSinglePart = favorSinglePart;

The problem is the line:

footnoteSeparatorLength.max += 10000;

I think it should read rather:

this.footnoteSeparatorLength.max += 10000;

Clients calling the constructor shouldn't be happy about this situation.

I discovered this statement while refactoring the MinOptMax class into
an immutable one. I think this refactoring project should be another
mail. But this example shows how valuable a immutable MinOptMax would

Can someone familiar with this part of FOP write a test which fails
against this current behavior? I could than use this test to verify that
my immutable MinOptMax works with this part.


e-mail: alexanderk...@gmx.net
web:    www.alexanderkiel.net

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