It has been suggested to me that I provide a few C.V. details to the group,
to help introduce my background that may be of some use in FOP work, so here
are a few details. If anyone would like a fuller bio, let me know and I will
happily send.

   - began working with TeX78 in the late 70's;
   - received $2.56 check from Don Knuth (DEK) in 1986 for first bug report
   on Metafont 84;
   - in 1990, joined Unicode consortium, eventually serving as Technical
   Director from 1993 to 1999, during which I wrote the Unicode 1.0 and 2.0
   sections on Arabic and Indic scripts;
   - in 1991, wrote implementation of Tex Line Breaking algorithm in Scheme
   using continuation passing style, discovering some potential inefficiencies,
   but not bugs, later adopted by DEK;
   - in 1993, joined Stonehand, Cambridge, MA, as partner and VP of
   Engineering to build Japanese Typesetting system for SMI and Morisawa &
   Company Tokyo; implemented complex script typographic features to support
   Arabic and Indic scripts;
   - consultant to Apple on development of TrueType GX Font extensions;
   - consultant to Microsoft on development of OpenType Advanced Typography
   - consultant to Microsoft on design and implementation of WinNT Unicode
   support layers;
   - consultant to Decotype on advanced Arabic typographic font design and
   - co-author of RFC 2070, Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup
   - participated as US member to ISO SC18/WG8 in the development of DSSSL,
   which was the predecessor of XSLT and XSL FO;
   - consulted to James Clark about the design of XSLT and XSL-FO;
   - participated as member of W3C XSL-FO SG, leading up to the publishing
   of XSL FO 1.0;
   - retained by IBM Research (Doug Lovell, wiith Sharon Adler, and Anders
   Berglund) to implement major portions of the IBM XSL Formatting Object
   Composer <> in 2000-2001;
   implemented the entire support for XSL FO 1.0 Tables, including the full
   CSS2 collapsing border model;


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