Hi Mehdi

Looks like a typo to me. See:

"C0" (C - zero) designates a raster character set.

So, CO (C - O) would be wrong.

On 16.05.2011 10:40:00 mehdi houshmand wrote:
> Hi,
> Prologue:
> I am investigating an AFP issue, and one of our AFP printers rejected
> the document with an error in the MCF (Map Coded Font) entry for the
> character set not being found. Nothing unusual for AFP, however, I
> hadn't given FOP a fop.xconf, so no custom fonts are being defined.
> Anyway, after a bit of investigation, and a discussion with a
> colleague, it became apparent that there could be a typo in the AFP
> Base 12 fonts.
> Problem:
> In the AFP doc, it said the character was called "CON40090", so I
> checked the AFP naming convention (I'm sure I've seen it in one of the
> specs, but the link is below). Notice the second character is "O"
> (letter) not "0" (number) which is contrary to the naming convention.
> This could be a typo, or it could quite easily be a misinterpretation
> of the spec on my part, since there are a bazillion different
> documents on AFP fonts, I could have easily missed something
> somewhere. The issue, is only with TimesNewRoman in
> o.a.f.afp.fonts.AFPBase12FontCollection.java, I looked around to see
> if any other fonts have this same issue and none seem to.
> Is this a bug? Am I missing something? If it's a bug, I'll happily
> provide a patch.
> link: 
> http://www4.infoprintsolutionscompany.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.printers.afpproducts/com.ibm.printers.guidetooutput/c5pu3mst49.htm
> Thanks
> Mehdi

Jeremias Maerki

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