It's all good. I haven't finished the important bit, integrating it into
fop PDF images, yet.
On Apr 3, 2012 2:25 AM, "mehdi houshmand" <> wrote:

> Hi Craig,
> My sincerest apologies for not getting round to looking at what you've
> done here. I'll try and take a look in the next few days and give it a
> think, see if there's anything we can do to help.
> Apologies once again,
> Mehdi
> On 28 March 2012 07:39, Craig Ringer <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've nearly finished work on getting fop-pdf-image to overlay PDFs by
>> appending their content streams and merging their resource dictionaries,
>> rather than by creating XObject Forms. The problem I have left will be
>> more intrusive into the fop codebase than what I've had to do so far, so
>> I thought I'd check in before I start working on it.
>> The reason I'm adapting fop-pdf-images to support "merging" PDF images
>> into the main PDF content instead of using XObject Forms is that the use
>> of lots of PDF XObject Forms seems to cause RIPs and clients to perform
>> poorly or run out of memory. The way I propose to do it, fop-pdf-images
>> will use an XObject form if the preloader sees a pdf image re-used more
>> than a configurable number of times (one by default), and otherwise
>> merge it into the main pdf.
>> Most of that is done, but there's a problem with ensuring unique
>> resource names.
>> XObject Form resource dictionaries are their own namespace, so no
>> resource name (font, ExtGState, etc) in an XObject Form may conflict
>> with a name in the parent page's resource dictionary. If XObject Forms
>> are no longer used by fop-pdf-image, that namespace separation goes
>> away. I have to merge the "image" page(s)'s resource dictionaries into
>> the resource dictionary of the page they're being overlaid over. In the
>> case of fop, that's the global resource dictionary because fop doesn't
>> currently write per-page resource dictionaries. There's nothing wrong
>> with this beyond potentially making the resource dictionary a bit fat,
>> but it means I need a way to guarantee that a name will not conflict
>> with any other name assigned by fop.
>> For GState dictionary objects that's easy; fop just uses "GS"+object
>> number as the name, so if I follow the same scheme when copying
>> resources I'm guaranteed to get a unique name since object numbers are
>> unique.
>> Unfortunately, fop doesn't do anything so consistent for fonts or most
>> other resources, and that's made it nearly impossible for me to
>> guarantee that I can use a name without a later part of the XSL-FO
>> causing fop to create an object that tries to use the same name. Solving
>> this will require some changes to the way fop writes the PDF resources
>> dictionary.
>> I propose that the PDFResources class should take responsibilty for
>> allocating resource names and ensuring they're consistent. Instead of
>> asking each resource what its name is, the PDFResources class should
>> *assign* it a name. Those names can be minimal and compact - eg "Fnn"
>> for fonts, "GSnn" for graphics states, etc. "nn" would be a counter
>> maintained by PDFResources. That's the convention followed by most other
>> PDF producing software and would make it simple and reliable to inject
>> objects not created by fop into the resources dictionary without risk of
>> conflicts.
>> That'll be important if people want to be able to write extensions that
>> add new, custom PDF content; it's not just useful for fop-pdf-images.
>> This API change would only affect extensions, services and clients that
>> work directly with org.apache.fop.pdf.   and
>> org.apache.fop.render.pdf.   classes, and only some of those. Clients
>> that use the main fop APIs would be completely unaffected, as would
>> clients that use the area tree / IR code, image loader code, or pretty
>> much anything except the guts of pdf handling.
>> I'll post a proposed patch soon, along with patches for some other
>> changes that enable what I'm doing but may be useful for others. A patch
>> with the fop-pdf-images "merge" feature support will follow once I've
>> finished it enough that I can do test-runs.
>> --
>> Craig Ringer

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