On 04/04/12 18:02, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
> Hi Craig,
> Thanks for your extensive study!
> On 03/04/12 10:31, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> On 03/04/12 01:16, Vincent Hennebert wrote:
>>>> From a quick look that sounds about right. Are you developing with a 1.7 
>>>> JDK?
>>>> You would have to make your code 1.5-compatible. Also, it would be good if
>>>> you could back your optimizations with profiling data. If code
>>>> safety/readability have to be compromised there has to be a good reason
>>>> for it.
>> Yep, I'm on 1.7, but was building for a 1.5 target and source level.
> Careful, because that doesn’t ensure you that your code will run on
> a 1.5 JVM. You may still be using elements of the standard library that
> appeared only in 1.6+.
Thanks - I forgot about that. Sigh. The glacial pace at which people
update JREs and JDKs drives me quite nuts sometimes - but at least fop
has moved to 1.5!

Time to do some JDK archaeology...

Craig Ringer

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