--- Comment #18 from Glenn Adams <> 2012-04-12 20:49:35 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #17)
> Hey Glenn, it looks like you found a way to fix it? I don't suppose you could
> provide any more details about what you think was causing it could you?

see the link i put in the prior comment, repeated here [1]:


> Also, will there be any issues if I don't specify a line height? The way our
> cod works today we typically are not specifying a line height.

yes, as i indicate, the default line height is 1.2*font-size, so that will
produce incorrect row computation, resulting in unexpected blank lines on TXT
rendering; note that since line-height is inheritable, you only need to specify
it once, e.g., on fo:flow or on fo:page-sequence or fo:root, to have it
inherited by descendant fo:blocks

> When looking at
> the result the text looks fine, but the space allocated for the height is
> certainly larger than what we need, but i don't necessarily see anything wrong
> with it.
> If it is fixed, do you have an anticipated release date? Or a version I could
> try out?

the fix will be incorporated into the nightly builds [2] and the upcoming
FOP1.1 release (no date set)


> Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it!

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