--- Comment #19 from Glenn Adams <> ---
(In reply to comment #18)
> Created attachment 28737 [details]
> Patch against FOP from trunk on 6.5.2012
> An update for the support for change bars for current fop

quick review of the patch:

(1) very important, needs to provide multiple test files to be included under

(2) please change all code that uses if ( CONSTANT == variable ) to read if (
variable == CONSTANT ) - that is a MSFTism that we don't wish to use (though I
admit it appears in various places and needs to be rooted out)

(3) note that XSL-FO 1.1 6.4.14 states

"The reference-orientation and writing-mode of the region-viewport-area are
determined by the formatting object that generates the area (see 6.4.5
fo:page-sequence). The reference-orientation of the region-reference-area is
set to "0" and is, therefore, the same as the orientation established by the
region-viewport-area. The writing-mode of the region-reference-area is set to
the same value as that of the region-viewport-area."

and further 6.4.5 states

"The reference-orientation and writing-mode of the region-viewport-areas are
determined by the values of the "reference-orientation" and "writing-mode"
properties of the fo:page-sequence."

this means that your changes to BodyRegion [and RegionReference] to derive the
writing-mode trait of the body region reference area from the RegionBody
(fo:region-body) are not quite correct;

at present, i am working on a fix that processes writing modes and reference
orientation for regions correctly (including support for the
'from-page-master-region()' property value function);

i would suggest that, for the time being you remove all of the writing mode and
reference orientation code you added, and go ahead assuming a TB_LR mode for
the present; when I have my fix in place, we can coordinate the additional
changes needed to handle proper drawing of change bars with other writing

(4) using FOUserAgent to store the change bar stack is incorrect, and violates
various abstraction barriers (a clue to this is that your additional import
from  o.a.f.flow is the first reference to that package from FOUserAgent); you
should use instead, since it is page sequence
which is responsible for generating change bar areas; each 

(5) please convert the line-ending convention of the new files you have added
to use the UNIX (\n) convention prior to creating a patch file;

(6) since Vincent has already created a Temp_ChangeBars branch; i suggest you
coordinate with him to (1) have him update that branch to the current trunk
HEAD, (2) recreate your patch against that updated branch after taking into
account any changes required by the above comments;

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