Hi Luis,

It is definitely possible to have different threads using Fop instances created 
from the same FopFactory. In fact, for me this is the typical usage. This is 
like replacing 

>         foreach (Doc doc : listOfDocs) {
>             File fo = doc.getFOFile();
>             File pdf = doc.getPDFFile();
>             generateOutput(fo, pdf, fopFactory);


ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize, ...);
for (Doc doc : listOfDocs) {
  executor.submit(new Runnable() {
            File fo = doc.getFOFile();
            File pdf = doc.getPDFFile();
            generateOutput(fo, pdf, fopFactory);

It is used to reduce the time required to generate thousands or millions of 

Fop instances can also be generated from different FopFactory instances. This 
is a workaround I used in the past to avoid some FOP concurrency issues. The 
drawback is increased memory usage and warm-up time as FOP caches are 
referenced from a FopFactory instance.

Alex Giotis

On 1 Jul 2013, at 15:14, Luis Bernardo <lmpmberna...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am investigating the possible caching of layout elements and as part of the 
> investigation I realized that I need to understand how fop instances are 
> managed in real life situations. In particular, I need to know if it is 
> possible to have two concurrent fop instances created from the same fop 
> factory.
> This is a typical use case I am familiar with:
>         FopFactoryBuilder builder = new FopConfParser(new 
> File(confFile)).getFopFactoryBuilder();
>         FopFactory fopFactory = builder.build();
>         foreach (Doc doc : listOfDocs) {
>             File fo = doc.getFOFile();
>             File pdf = doc.getPDFFile();
>             generateOutput(fo, pdf, fopFactory);
>         }
> where:
>     public static void generateOutput(File fo, File pdf, FopFactory 
> fopFactory) throws IOException, FOPException,
>             TransformerException {
>         OutputStream out = null;
>         try {
>             FOUserAgent foUserAgent = fopFactory.newFOUserAgent();
>             out = new FileOutputStream(pdf);
>             out = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
>             Fop fop = fopFactory.newFop(mime, foUserAgent, out);
>             TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
>             Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();
>             Source src = new StreamSource(fo);
>             Result res = new SAXResult(fop.getDefaultHandler());
>             transformer.transform(src, res);
>         } finally {
>             out.close();
>         }
>     }
> In this case, even though a fop factory can create many fop instances we 
> cannot have more than one in use at at given time.
> Is anyone using a different approach where concurrent fop instances are 
> possible?
> Thanks,
> Luis

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