Hi Jan

> On 26 Jul 2016, at 22:15, Jan Tosovsky <j.tosov...@email.cz> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I've updated local copy to the current (mavenized) version and I am unable
> build (Oracle JDK 1.8) the FOP Core project:
> (1) testAES256() fails with 
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal
> key size
>       at javax.crypto.Cipher.checkCryptoPerm(Cipher.java:1034)
>      ...
>       at
> o.a.f.pdf.PDFEncryptionJCETestCase.testAES256(PDFEncryptionJCETestCase.java:
> 468)

Are you on OS X/macOS? 
I am not entirely sure, but I seem to recall running into that as well. It just 
means you need to download the "unlimited strength" encryption policy files 
from Oracle. They made that a separate download, just like in the good old Sun 
days. On OS X, when Apple maintained their own JDK, it was always included. I 
only ran into that after Apple abandoned maintenance of the JDK for OS X...

see - 

> (2) there is missing reference to JAI in
> o.a.f.util.bitmap.JAIMonochromeBitmapConverter.java
> Both indicate there is additional configuring steps required, but the
> 'build' page hasn't been updated yet:
> http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/trunk/compiling.html (there is still Ant
> mentioned)
> Is there any reason JAI is not part of pom file?

I know that one as well. What I usually do to make FOP compile after a fresh 
trunk checkout, is just delete that source file locally (i.e. just a regular 
"rm", not an "svn del").

Hope this helps!



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