

We don’t own avalon-framework so we can’t fix it.




From: Didier Schlegel <didier.schle...@bluewin.ch> 
Sent: 27 August 2018 09:07
To: fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Subject: PGP signatures of avalon-framework


Dear FOP developers,

after reading this article 
 about cross-build injection attacks I decided to give the 
(https://www.simplify4u.org/pgpverify-maven-plugin/index.html) a try. 

We use Apache FOP in our project and two transitive dependencies of FOP 2.3 did 
not pass the PGP verification: 
 - org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-api:jar:4.3.1 
 - org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-impl:jar:4.3.1 
both retrieved from maven central 

[WARNING] org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-api:jar:4.3.1 PGP 
Signature ERROR 
       KeyId: 0xD0ACAD776E6D31C6 UserIds: [Jorg Heymans (CODE SIGNING KEY)  
<mailto:jheym...@apache.org> <jheym...@apache.org>] 
[WARNING] org.apache.avalon.framework:avalon-framework-impl:jar:4.3.1 PGP 
Signature ERROR 
       KeyId: 0xD0ACAD776E6D31C6 UserIds: [Jorg Heymans (CODE SIGNING KEY)  
<mailto:jheym...@apache.org> <jheym...@apache.org>] 

According to the pgpverify plugin these two libraries are not correctly signed. 
Is there a way to replace them with a correctly signed version? If not and if 
they are considered as trustful, maybe it would be better to remove the 
signature file from the maven repository as it does not match.

I contacted Jorg Heymans about this and he told me to contact the cocoon 
developer mailinglist. I thought I better try this list as we actually use FOP 
and the Avalon-Framework is a dependency brought in by FOP.


Didier Schlegel 

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