On Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:25:06 Wolf Gustavo (SGC-EXT) wrote:
> Hi,
>       in the XML bible, chap. 15, I read that for a  fo:page-sequence I
> can
> have one fo:flow per region, i.e.: <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">,
> and then another like <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-after.">, etc, 
> which
> makes 5 in total per page.
> However, when I try to define one flow for body and another for after,
> Fop
> tells me that "only a single fo:flow admitted per fo:page-sequence".
> Does anybody know how to solve this?
> Thanks a lot,     Gustavo

The allowed content for a page-sequence is:

That is - only one flow.

What you want (possibly) is to define some static-content, as in the
example in docs/examples/pagination/allregions.fo.

    <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-start">
      <fo:block-container height="22.2cm" width="1cm" top="0cm" left="0cm"

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