I use Oracle's IAS and I can not use FOP because the server can't make the .fo file when i put xml and xsl file, but if i put .fo file the server make the pdf perfectly. All my xsl source, xml source and java classes are proved at local machine and run perfectly!!
I canÂt solve this problem since 1 week...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: Load FOP in Oracle

Hi All
I have a such problem: I am trying to load FOP in Oracle Application Server (using loadjava tool)
But during the loading errors are appeared (org/apache/fop/viewer/PreviewDialog could not be resolved etc.)
So at the end, the most classes are resolved, but another part is not.
Can anybody help me?
Aleksei Vassiljev

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