
To do the variable number of columns, you'll have to use a range function like this

<xsl:variable name="numcols" select="./table/@numcols"/>
<xsl:for-each select="1 to $numcols"> <!-- xsl 2 structure i,plemented in Saxon v7 -->
<xsl:for-each select="saxon:range(1, $numcols)"> <!-- extension function -->
<fo:table-column column-width="10mm"/>

To do the column and row spanning, use number-columns-spanned and number-rows-spanned
<fo:table-cell border="solid silver 1px" number-rows-spanned="2" display-align="after">
<fo:table-cell border="solid black 1px" number-columns-spanned="2" text-align="center">


Mathy V Arumugam wrote:

I need a table looking like this :)))

*       TEXT                *            Some
text                                             *
*                                **************************************
*                                *  Col 2     * Col3        *  Col4
*     Col N
*      0                        *      2        *        3        *
4        *        5        *
*     6                          *      7        *        8        *
9        *        10      *

The number of columns is not a fixed number.  I am able to create the
table but, having trouble with the column-width.  The table should
expand to fit the page. The total-column-number is defined in TABLE


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