Argyn Kuketayev wrote:
specific.xsl has templates to convert XML into xsl:fo file using templates
from generic.xsl
I want this to be done from specific.xsl by calling a template from
generic.xsl. So, the template from generic.xsl will somehow get the column
names and maybe widths. Then it will create <fo:table> element with cells,
headers etc.
So, to change the style of tables, like colors etc., I'll only need to
change one file generic.xsl, not every specific.xsl

This is an XSLT question, you are more likely to get useful answers an the xsl list

It is not easy to give some advice unless you provide
some more speific information on what the difference
between specific.xsl and generic.xsl should be. Provide
examples if possible.

In case you want to have a central place for storing
stuff controlling colors, font sizes and all that,
look also into XSLT attribute sets


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