Another option, if you are using jakarta struts framework, is using stxx,
which is an extension to struts in which the front end can be rendered using
xml/xsl/xsl-fo instead of jsp (or either).

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex McLintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: HTM Sevlet


I'm not sure what you are asking but I think you ought to investigate
Cocoon is a general purpose web application (ie servlet :-) which uses 
Apache XML and XSL technology including FOP to generate html or PDF on 
demand from XML source.


At 11:31 10/05/2002, Balaji Loganathan wrote:
>   I tried FopServlet example and its works fine for
>Is it possible to do the same for HTML that is
>  ,I tried to change the code of FopServlet like
>Driver driver = new Driver(foFile, out);
>  But I'm getting unknown formaating object HTML as
>  Have any one tried it? Basically I want to convert
>XML to PDF or HTML using servlets.Do I have to write
>my own code,or is there out something.
>  Please comments.
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