Thanks for the response. I understand that part of passing any URL, but my
problem is, when I deploy the application, the XSLs get deployed under the
httpRoot, and I want to read them without any specific reference to the
deployment area(i.e. webserver, filesystem, etc.). My servlet is reading XSL
filename (/x/y/z.xsl) from a file, but it don't know in advance where it
will be deployed. I hope it's clear this time.

Thanks again,
Sumanta Dutta

-----Original Message-----
From: J.Pietschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: Prob. referring XSL over URI (Pls. consider this out of
context p ost)

Dutta, Sumanta wrote:
> I am trying to refer my XSL, which generates the FO, over a URI, relative
> my http codebase. If I create the XSL source by passing /x/y/z.xsl, the
> transformer tries to find file://x/y/z.xsl. Is there any way to resolve
> in reference to my current http codebase. I tried to do get the servername
> from http request, and append the URI, which is working in my local test
> setup, but not good for actual installation, as requests may be coming
> through different proxies.

I suppose you are implementing a servlet. If you create
the transformer yourself, you can pass any URL to the
StreamSource for the XSL, including HTTP URLs. How you
determine the URL is a matter of your servlet. I don't
understand this part of the problem, usually servlets
read XSL from files instead from HTTP requests. You'll
have to supply some more details.


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