thanks for the prompt help Mehmood, but the same problem still persists.

I did make slight changes to the code you sent me though (kept the 
ByteArrayOutputStream as is but changed the StringReader to a FileReader 
just for simplicity) before running it.

Do you get the error when running the Java code with the XML and XSL I have 
pasted in the mail ? Just to make sure my classpath is not messed up with 
the wrong jars :-)


PS: I just noticed after sending the prev mail that the
driver.setRenderer(driver.RENDER_TEXT) should be 
But the problem remains even with that change.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Shaikh, Mehmood [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Friday, June 21, 2002 2:37 PM
Subject:        RE: Using Xalan Transformer with FOP Driver problem

Try this.

// -------
// 1. Get a Source for XML document
// -------

 // a) from string
        Source strSource = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xmlData));

// -------
// 2. Get stylesheet transformer
// -------
 // from file, see above examples for other types of XSL input
TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance ();

 Templates template = transformerFactory.newTemplates( new StreamSource(
xslLayout ));
 // note - template object is multi-threaded and should be cached if you
// plan to use the same XSL repeatedly
Transformer transformer = template.newTransformer();
// -------
// 3. Create FOP driver and set rendering mode and output stream
// -------
Driver driver = new Driver();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos =  new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
driver.setOutputStream( baos);
// initialize logger - see sample code on FOP website

// -------
// 4. Create SAXResult based on FOP Driver content handler
// which will accept SAX events and build FOP tree
// -------
Result saxResult = new SAXResult( driver.getContentHandler() );
// 5. Use the Transformer to transform an XML Source and
// send the output to a Result object. Implicitely it will
// create the FOP tree by firing SAX events.
transformer.transform( strSource, saxResult );
// 6. Your user is already viewing the PDF!

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