I have been using FOP for sometime now and have managed to achieve everything we needed to...
However, when we attempted to deploy this to our webserver (Jserv with Oracle 9iAS) we ran into problems.
Whenever a FOP transform is requested I initially get an UnsatisfiedLinkError, followed by ClassNotFound on java/awt/Rectangle.
Does anyone know why this could be happening. The same code runs quite happily on 2 other UNIX boxes.
I have read the X-server is required on the UNIX box reposible for the hosting. The reason being that the AWT code lies under X-server.
Is it just me or does that seem very strange, why is it not shipped with JServ ?

You need AWT implementation in any form: native X-server (default) or native virtual X-server - xvfb or pure java AWT - pja, or jdk1.4 in headless mode.

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn International Ltd, Israel

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