
Thanks for your suggestions.  Yes, the schematics are in B&W, so I will take
a look at the encoding and let you know what I find.

Best regards,
Phil Dickinson
Aicom Limited

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremias Maerki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 November 2002 10:39
Subject: Re: PDF performance issues.

That schematic, is this a b/w-image? If so I can imagine that the
original TIFF is compressed using CCITT compression. FOP doesn't support
CCITT at the moment, so it recompresses the image using ZLib compression.
For b/w-images this often results in a bigger file. As for the redraw
speed: It probably is related to the different compression type. But
this question is better directed at Adobe.

The "optimized" flag is to indicate whether all objects in a PDF are
aligned in a way that the PDF can be loaded over the web and Acrobat can
quickly display the first page without having to wait until the whole
PDF is loaded. FOP doesn't support this, but it isn't relevant here.

Maybe FOP isn't the best way (at least at the moment) to accomplish
exactly what you want to do, except you need to do other things than
just embedding images in a PDF. Maybe iText could help you here. It
seems to support CCITT, but you wouldn't be able to use XSL:FO.

On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 15:27:40 -0000 Phil Dickinson wrote:
> Hello,
> Help with the following problem would be very much appreciated.  I have
> installed the JIMI image libraries onto my machine for use by FOP 0.20.4
> that FOP can read TIFF files.  The output PDF refresh or screen redraw in
> Acrobat Reader is slow compared to the redraw for a PDF created from the
> same TIFF by Acrobat itself.
> Here are some basic facts:
> 1) I have an "out-of-the-box" FOP installation, no unusual configuration
> other than addition of JINI.
> 2) Simple FOP transformation to PDF.
> 3) One page of A3 comprised of a single large TIFF file (a schematic).
> 4) FOP 0.20.4 running on Windows 2000.
> For the sake of this thread we can use the example where the original TIFF
> image is 4681x3311 approx and the FO used reads:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <fo:root xmlns:fo=""; >
> <fo:layout-master-set>
> <fo:simple-page-master margin-right="10mm" margin-left="10mm"
> margin-bottom="10mm" margin-top="10mm" page-width="420mm"
> page-height="297mm" master-name="page">
> <fo:region-body margin-right="0mm" margin-left="0mm" margin-bottom="0mm"
> margin-top="0mm"/>
> <fo:region-after extent="0mm"/>
> </fo:simple-page-master>
> </fo:layout-master-set>
>  <fo:page-sequence master-reference="page">
> <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
>   <fo:block margin-left="0mm" padding="0mm">
> <fo:external-graphic src="image.tif"/>
> </fo:block>
>  </fo:flow>
> </fo:page-sequence>
> </fo:root>
> The PDF output file is 237K and the redraw in Acrobat is slow (2.5
> When the same file (image.tif) is converted using Acrobat, the resulting
> file is 143K and redraws speedily enough (1 second approx).  The PDF file
> generated by Acrobat has the "optimized" flag set and that from FOP does
> not.  I don't know if this is relevant.  Both files are sized correctly
> A3.
> Thanks,
> Phil Dickinson
> Aicom Limited

Jeremias Maerki

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