Are you sure your Arial font is really a Type 1 font? I've never seen
Arial in Type 1 before. Are you sure you have an Arial.pfb and an
Arial.pfm? I think you will more likely have a Arial.ttf which you have
to specify in the embed-file attribute. That's the file you will have
generated the font metrics from, right? If it is a Type 1 font, Dennis
is right and you have to specify Arial.pfb, not Arial.pfm.

Good luck!

On 26.11.2002 09:23:06 Nyári Győző wrote:
> I've the embed-file param in the userconfig.xml file.
> I read up the config file with 
> Options options = new Options("userconfig.xml");
> Then when I watch the file with Acrobat, it a message shows up:
> "Unable to extract the embedded font 'ArialHU'. Some characters..."
> userconfig.xml:
>   <font metrics-file="d:\pdflib\Arial1.xml" kerning="yes"
> embed-file="d:\pdflib\Arial1.pfm">
>     <font-triplet name="ArialHU" style="normal"
> weight="normal"></font-triplet>
>  </font>

Jeremias Maerki

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