On 03.01.2003 20:59:59 Darrel Riekhof wrote:
> Are there any websites that generate the PDF for .fo examples that come 
> with FOP?

Not that I know of.

> I don't think the Apache XML FOP site generates the PDF for the 
> examples, so I was thinking of giving the world a wonderful new gift, my 
> first struts webapp that lets the masses see the fop examples in all 
> their glory.  ;)
> However, if there are already sites around that do this, I won't bother 
> publishing it on my public server.

Please do! That would be real nice!

> Darrel
> PS.  I've noticed at least one of the examples has errors in it 
> (2.0.5rc).  advanced/giro.fo pukes like this:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: master-reference '' for fo:page-sequence 
> matches no simple-page-master or page-sequence-master

That one was still missing a conversion from master-name to
master-reference on page-sequence. Fixed in CVS.

Jeremias Maerki

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