Have a look at the FAQ: http://xml.apache.org/fop/faq.html#faq-N1011A
This will answer most of your questions.

On 02.01.2003 16:16:58 Øyvind Hvamstad wrote:
> Hi, I have a fop servlet that is generating reports on demand from a
> client program. I'm using tomcat as servlet container, xml and xsl to
> generate fo and fop to give me pdf. The reports tend to be big and
> memory is being exhausted.
> The tomcat process never releases any memory and the usage is increasing
> linearly. This makes sense when I use page/total-pages since I then need
> to hold all pages till I reach the last one, however, is there a way to
> explicitly say that no counting is to be done so that fop releases
> memory as it generates pdf?

Look at the FAQ which will tell you what options you have. You may also
want to search the mailing list archives.

> The second question is how to make tomcat release memory when a servlet
> is finished? - But that is probably a different list...

Tomcat doesn't have to release anything in this context when a servlet
is finished, I think. It's more a question of how the VM handles memory
and how it reclaims it (Garbage collection). If you generate the same
report a few times on after another you shouldn't see a steady increase
of memory usage. It will go up in the beginning but roughly stabilize
after a moment. If it doesn't there maybe something wrong with your

Jeremias Maerki

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