Marko Petersen wrote:
On my local machine (win xp, java 1.4.1) everything works if I call fop.bat
or embedd it into my web application. On my linux server I got the following

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGOMElement.setSVGContext(Lorg/apache/batik/dom/svg/SVGContext;)V at org.apache.fop.svg.SVGElement.layout(Unknown Source) at

You have an incompatible Batik jar in your classpath. Cocoon users see this often: 2.0.2 and other releases were shipped with a Batik incompatible to the FOP version shipped in the same Cocoon distro. ...
Both environments use java 1.4.1, the same fop version, but my local system
(tomcat embedded in Java Sun studio one) didn't use a batik.jar, I only have fop.jar
in my WEB-INF/lib directory ... so I think so.

Drop the batik.jar from your FOP distribution into the WEB-INF/lib or whatever fits, and remove other Batik jars from the classpath. Be aware this is incompatible with Cocoon's svg2jpeg and svg2png serializers.


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