I'm not sure that I understand you correctly. The AbstractObjectReader
has namespaces disabled per default (See constructor). If you don't use
namespaces you don't have to do anything but generating XML content (not
using any namespace prefixes just like in the example). If you need to
use namespaces it'll get a bit more complicated. Does that answer your

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On 30.01.2003 11:41:40 Laurent Forêt wrote:
> I have now well read your embedding example, ExampleObj2PDF.
> And I am going to use the same process, I have a litlle question about using
> which abstract class extending XMLReader :
> Your own (AbstractObjectReader) or the SAX1 adapter given in sax package
> (XMLReaderAdapter), knowing that I don't use namespaces ?

Jeremias Maerki

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