Peter Menzel wrote:

I want to set FOPs userconfig.xml in the servlet, using these lines:

File userConfigFile = new
So check here whether such file exists:
if (userConfigFile.exists())
        Otions options = new Options(userConfigFile);

What can I do?
Have you tried something like getServletContext().getRealPath("/config/userconfig.xml")

Another question: I need the userconfig.xml, because I want to load an
additional font into FOP, which I created from an TTF file, and use these lines
in the userconfig.xml:
<font metrics-file="mtcorsiva.xml" kerning="yes">
  <font-triplet name="MTCORSIVA" style="normal" weight="normal">

I put the fonts xml file in the same dir as userconfig.xml. Is the correct?
No, you have to set up baseDir or fontBaseDir properties to resolve relative pathes. See faq:

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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