I am using FOP 0.20.5rc to produce TIFF files from XML in an EJB
environment. I experience  strange multithreading issues when I run the
thing in the (production-near) test-environement on a 4-proc box - the font
sizes get messed up completly on the 4 proc machine but only if I render
more than 1 TIFF in parallel.
If I run only one rendering at a time, it is fine.
If I run the same thing multithreaded on my dev box, it runs fine (though
there is only one proc of course)

It is entierly possible that the TIFFRenderer (from Oleg, based on
AWTRenderer and JAI), or the pja toolkit (http://www.eteks.com/pja/en/)  is
the problem.

Yes, you have to isolate problem somehow. Can you test it without TIFFRenderer, using just regular PDFRenderer?

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

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