
> 1. to overlap several images from jpg/gif files? what will
> be the output?
> i mean will the colour of the output be a mixture of the
> colours of the original images?
Try it & see - you can easily overlap regions by changing margins/extents
and/or blocks using position="absolute". I would be curious about
transparency in gifs too. See FAQ below on watermarking.

> 2. to overlap text over image and otherwise? what will be
> the output?
> 3. to create a watermark?
> 4. to disable the print/copy button of the pdf files i
> created using fop? coz i have seen many tutorials in pdf
> files that can't be copied/printed.

> 5. i usually create the fo files from the xml files that
> transformed by xsl files. i believe i could use
> xindice/sql server/oracle xml support to create sax
> stream. the problem is where i should put the logics for
> fetching the data?
See FAQ above on embedding.

This page is also v. useful, but not linked from the FAQ, the archive search
may help you most for 1. above:


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