Ok, I've put together a ZIP and put it under the URL below:

I hope you don't mind that it's heavily relying on Avalon (especially
Fortress). I've put all the necessary JARs in the lib directory. I
didn't include fop.jar and batik.jar which you can take from your local
FOP. I've also done a little Ant build.xml to make it easy to have some
fast results. You just have to adjust the FOP location in build.xml to
your local environment so it compiles.

To configure the whole thing look at FOPTestbed.xconf. There you can
specify the number of concurrent threads, which files to transform etc.

And finally, to test multithreading with the AWT Renderer just change
FOProcessorImpl.java accordingly. It currently generates PDF.

If you have questions, fire away. Happy debugging!

On 10.02.2003 16:50:18 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Is the testcase you used in november available as a starter?
> I have it here. Just give me a little time to get it running again (I've
> got to check if it's still compatible with the latest Avalon Fortress
> version. I'll post a URL when I'm finished.

Jeremias Maerki

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