By the way.
It is possible to transform to TIFF and many other formats from PDF format
using ghostscript.

Though it's not strictly Java solution.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oleg Tkachenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: FOP output to TIFF

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> Hello!
> "David Blevins" <david.blevins () visi ! com> wrote:
> > Now I have my first question, so here goes.  What is the recommended
> > approach to generate a TIFF output: using the SVGRenderer then
> > transcoding to TIFF with batik; using the TIFFRenderer written by Oleg?
> Hard question. TIFFRenderer has some flaws: it is not thread-safe, because
> AWTRenderer isn't. Another its problem is that all generated page images
> held in memory. Both issues I hope will be fixed in FOP 1.0dev. So may be
> SVGRenderer is a prefered approach at the moment.
> > The TIFFRenderer works, however the outputted TIFF is white text on
> > black background (should be the other way around).  Maybe there is
> > something I need to configure correctly.
> Well, which TIFF viewer are you using? AFAIK, there is a great mess
> TIFF viewers what is white and what is black in b/w FAX compressed images,
> e.g. consider given black-and-white TIFF image, Adobe Photoshop and
> Imaging will show it differently black on white or white on black.
> TIFFRenderer uses JAI encoder, which seems to be agree with Adobe in this
> question, so I always rely on Photoshop and Alternatiff plugin and never
> inverted image.
> Actually I've been thinking about introducing such a parameter to
> to allow control over that. Ok, granted, will try this week.
> > There also doesn't seem to any new versions of the TIFFRenderer.  The
> > latest I can find is 0.9 from May last year.  Is this there an updated,
> > unreleased version somewhere?
> Well, I just don't see how can I make it better, it's quite simple
> which heavily rely on JAI encoder and AWTRenderer. Now, when I'm FOP
> I'd better be focused on how to make FOP itself better, TIFFRenderer will
> benefit from it also.
> --
> Oleg Tkachenko
> Multiconn Technologies, Israel
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