FYI - we use FOP in an online production app to deliver on-demand print verions 
of our managment reports and lab reports. Our clients (drug companies) use the 
app to log on and see how their clinical trials are going. Luckily we haven't 
had much demand for large (50+ pages) PDFs or many medium-sized reports being 
run concurrently. If this demand ever does appear, we know we would have a 
major performance issue on our hands. We would have to create a task-scheduler 
to run larger reports during off-hours. 

We did test RenderX's product, XEP, and generally found performance the same or 
worse than FOP. Support was really spotty as well. One report took about 10 
times longer on XEP than FOP. I emailed their sales address and made it clear 
that only chance these guys had for a sale was to help me figure out what was 
causing this gap. After a week or so wait, the president of the company called 
and told me to call tech support, but not to tell them he told me to call 
because "they don't like that". Tech support finally said they couldn't help 
me. At $5000/CPU (not even purchased yet!) I was expecting a little more. It 
was kind of surreal. IMO anyone who thinks you are guranteed to get any kind of 
support after the contract is signed is living in the past. There are good 
companies out there (I would put BEA at the top of the list), but don't assume 
you're going to get top-notch support just because you spend some $$$ or sign a 
maintenance contract. 

I hope I don't sound too much like a commercial for FOP, but given this 
experience I'll take an open-source project with a dedicated user and dev 
community over a sketchy dotcom-ish company any day.

Matt Savino

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Holk, David A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 9:37 AM
> Subject: FOP in production app
> Is anyone using FOP in a production app? 
> Should I expect a commercial product like XEP or XSLFormatter 
> to be more
> robust in a production application?
> Any experiences/comments appreciated.
> David Holk
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