On Fri, 11 Apr 2003, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> Starting with FOP 0.20.5rc2 FOP contains a xalan.bat to do just that.

ah, i hadn't noticed that, thanks.  and i realize that this may be
painfully obvious, but it's important for me that invoking this
xalan.bat to generate the intermediate FO would produce exactly
the same intermediate FO that would be generated by going
directly from XML+XSL -> PDF.  (since FOP would simply call
xalan underneath to do the XSLT transformation, it seems that
this would be obvious.)

thanks for the pointer to xalan.bat.


p.s.  and on another note, i'm just getting back to seeing
how well FOP supports docbook, as i'm about to start converting
a bunch of courseware manuals into docbook.

if anyone out there has been heavily involved with FOP and
docbook, drop me a line.

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